WE ALREADY HAVE Game of Thrones beer – and soon fans of the series will be to sup on some Westeros-themed wine.
An Australian vineyard has created the Wines of Westeros range which will feature 12 different wines, each representing a different house from the show.
Jane Burhop of Common Ventures, the Australian agency behind the wines, said:
The reds are all associated with the houses that are headstrong and robust. The whites on the other hand are more cunning, perceptive and mysterious.
For example, the Greyjoy and Stark wines are Sauvignon Blancs, the Lannister clan have a Pinot Noir, and the Targaryens have a Shiraz.
They’ll be available in time for the premiere of season five, so fans can pour themselves a glass of Lannister and feel like good old Tyrion: